Love. Respect. Community.

We love working with men and women who are interested in learning about human trafficking and with those who are equally passionate about serving survivors and their families.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you feel a burden on your heart to take action, we would love to sit down with you to talk about ways you can get more involved. Here are some areas that we’re always looking for volunteers:

  • CARE Community
    • The Allies Care Community is composed of those who desire to serve and love those in the Allies community through prayer and encouragement. These participants will have opportunities to intercede through specific prayer requests and gather to work on special projects to show love and support. Utilize this prayer guide to pray for anti-trafficking organizations in Indy.
  • CATALYST Community
    • This team is dedicated to gathering others in the community to invest in the flourishing of survivors and their families. By participating in community events, connecting with businesses and churches, and helping educate the community on the issue of trafficking, the Catalyst Community will help expand possibilities for Allies and create a safer community for survivors.
    • The Allies Mentorship Program was created to purposefully match survivors desiring support with a mentor. A mentor builds a relationship based on trust and acceptance with their mentee, which provides a foundation for positive mental, social, emotional, and physical growth. In the Allies Mentorship Program, youth survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation will gain an authentic and unwavering relationship through the hills and valleys of life as they work on socialization and academic or career skills, receive help, share a meal, and have fun! Become an Allies Mentor and model a healthy relationship with a youth survivor of trafficking and sexual exploitation.
    • This volunteer role is for women, age 22 and up.
  • EVENTS Committees
  • One-time volunteer opportunities
    • As a non-profit, we are always looking for extra hands to support the mission. These tasks could include inventory management, administrative support, day-of event help, and more. To receive quarterly emails with these opportunities, sign up here.
  • Board Service
    • Allies' Board of Directors are always looking for energetic, connected and passionate individuals to serve on our board or board committees.
    • If you are interested in learning more about Board service, email Jessica.


Fill out the volunteer application below to start your journey with Allies today. By volunteering your time, you're a part of a community that invests in survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation, empowering them to flourish!

Volunteer ApplicationMentor Application

Internship Opportunities

We have very exciting and unique internship opportunities available throughout the year! The ultimate goals of this program are to:

  • Assist in the operations of a startup non-profit, including day-to-day assignments in the office
  • Apply classroom knowledge and theory while furthering the Allies mission
  • Become aware of and participate in the Indianapolis anti-trafficking network
  • Increase understanding of human trafficking locally, nationally, and globally
  • Discern what role you may be called to within the abolition movement
  • Work collaboratively with interns in different departments in order to successfully reach a goal
  • Instill confidence and leadership skills through event management and speaking engagements


These unpaid opportunities are typically 10-20 hours a week and last 3-9 months, depending on the session (fall/spring, or summer). You can learn more about the specific roles here. Internships have the flexibility to be tailored to unique learning objectives and career interests.


Fill out an internship application to start your journey with Allies today!

Internship Application

Volunteers of the Year

Allies recognizes a Volunteer of the Year each year at our Illuminate event. It is a joy to honor the time, energy, passion, and dedication of our volunteers by recognizing volunteers that go above and beyond.

2017 - Kara Hill
2018 - Melissa Thompson
2019 - Regan Bennett
2020 - Chloe Hunt
2021 - Rachel Ranieri
2022 - Dana Doss
2023 - David King
2024 - Kara Ranieri