The annual Allies Mentorship Program Christmas gathering is always a special time. Some girls in our program don’t experience other holiday gatherings or Christmas traditions, so we have the unique opportunity to make the holidays uniquely special for the mentees. This year, our volunteers went all out – setting a beautiful table, providing home cooked food (rivaling the best Thanksgiving feast you’ve ever had!), personalized gifts and holiday cheer.

One special detail added to the place settings was a single, red rose for each mentor and mentee. A simple gesture, but likely the most memorable component of the day. Once all of the guests for the party had arrived and instructions for the food line had been given, the volunteer who had provided the roses shared the significance of gifting them. She said:

“Number one, they’re pretty, but I think a lot of times we like to receive flowers but we don’t get them often. They’re uniquely made, and I think each one of us are unique. We wanted to do something special for each of you so you can take it home with you. I hope you enjoy them and it’s something that makes you feel special because you are.”

Without missing a beat, one mentee replied, “I just wanted to thank you for this flower, because no one has ever given me a flower before.”

That comment has stayed with many of us since that afternoon. Receiving flowers is something most of us have experienced many times in our lives. To know that this mentee was given something beautiful to reflect the beauty within her made all the effort put into this event worth it.

THANK YOU for making moments like this possible for these incredible young ladies!