Commitment Has a Name

To fulfill our commitment to survivors of trafficking and their families, together we need to raise $75,000 by the end of the year.

Will you partner with us to reach our goal?


Mail cash or checks made out to Allies, Inc. to 6401 Gateway Drive, #531965, Indianapolis, IN 46253

On the wall at our office you’ll see a framed photo of our core values that says:

“Driven by our creative passion we want to be people who persevere. Knowing that both hardship and joy will be a part of the journey we will remain steadfast. With drive and determination we will graciously move towards finishing that which we started. We want to be known as people of commitment.”


We see commitment played out in big and small ways every day. One mentee, *Kay shares:

“I met [mentor] when I was 15 years old and in the foster system…. As I write this, I am 20 years old, graduated, employed, I have a vehicle and I live in a house that I rent; [mentor] is still my mentor and my friend. I can confidently say that if she was not a part of my life in these past five years, I would not be where I am today. [Mentor] was and still is a vital contributor to my success.”


At Allies, we receive with gratitude God’s faithfulness and commitment to love us. We celebrate the commitment of our mentees as they choose each day to move forward with courage. We witness the commitment of our mentors as they faithfully provide a safe, healthy, healing relationship for their mentees. We are in awe of the commitment from YOU, our supporters who continue to partner with Allies to change lives.


David King, long time supporter and current Board President of Allies, shares why he is committed to Allies:

Omar Martin, long time supporter and avid kickballer, shares why he is committed to Allies:

Tracy Nasser, faithful supporter and prayer partner, shares why she is committed to Allies:

Empower Your Friends to Commit!

Fundraise for Allies on social media!
Make a post on Facebook like the one below with the linked image to encourage your friends to COMMIT this year!

“I want to do something fun this year to support an organization close to my heart, Allies! Allies provides support services to girls in the Indianapolis area who have experienced trafficking and/or sexual exploitation. They have shown commitment to the girls they serve by providing consistent, healthy relationships with survivors and their families. I am eager to commit to helping them reach their $75,000 end of year fundraising goal! So let’s play a game!! Let’s fill up this donation board with donations – big and small – to help them reach their goal. Comment below which of the amounts you would like to donate, and I will send you the link!

Thank you in advance for YOUR commitment to Allies and local trafficking survivors!

Learn more about Allies at”

Donation LinkSocial Media Graphic